Increase Your Business Performance.
Make More Profit, More Quickly, More Easily!

You have a dream.  You have a vision. As a business owner you have realised that there is a fine balance between leading a fulfilling personal life and running a successful business. You know that you can multi-task, have great potential and are ambitious but you feel that you could improve greatly if you could just..?

So, how is your ideal vision fitting with reality?

Are you frustrated because you’re already successful and just aren’t moving fast enough? Have you simply run out of ideas and need a jump start? Do you feel ‘stuck’ in your business? Have you discovered that your vision has been put on hold somewhere in the dynamics of running a successful business? What’s frustrating you and holding you back…Profits? Working long hours? Team issues? Business structure and organisational issues? if so click here  to read more…

Welcome to the Game of Business!

Is this the key?Our philosophy is simple: Based in St Ives, Cambridge, we work with business owners like you, throughout the UK, giving you all that you need to help you gain outstanding results in your business and build it in line with your vision by utilising some of the most simple and yet effective tools currently available. We coach you to accelerate your business growth in terms of profit, structure and balance. Whether it’s 121 Face to Face, MasterClasses or Inspirational Products all are designed to help you accelerate your personal and/or business growth

In a nutshell, 121 Business is dedicated to inspiring, educating, motivating and training you and your team to attain your personal vision of success. Whatever that may be for you. We want what you want.
